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Yoga, a science since several millenia, finds its origin in India. Evolving in time, Yoga grows rich of techniques, texts, practices and diverse beliefs .

By the beginning of our era, a wise man compiles ancient texts, reviews practices and inspired from the formulation of the Buddhist education, he writes the work of modern Yoga, the « Yoga-Sutra ».

Since, this work inspires practice with as ultime purpose to transcend the world of spirit and the living matter to go out of any suffering. Yoga is not a religion, but a « philosophy with courses » with a purpose.

A deep peace of the spirit is at once a stage in this progress and a consequence of its realisation. This peace allows the « right action  » and helps us to abandon the world of « reaction ».

Everybody its own yoga practice

Of course, everybody finds his of her own purpose when starting Yoga. Pain in the body, need to relax, desire to explore our inside world… every stap on the way of Yoga has to allow us to feel better.
To know yourself better, to use your own capacties in a better way and decrease our weaknesses. Then move forward step by step to enrich the your self-knowledge by developing your sensibility and your necessary mental strength on the meeting of this knowledge.

Abandon your conditioning habits and replace them by « nothing »; only by a mental brightness free from its concepts and prejudices.

Yoga lessons at campsite Mandala

Yoga presented at Mandala is a simple but sincere approach of this ancestral science.

Every morning from 8.30 am to 9.30 am in July and August and on request the rest of the time, the lessons for individuals take place in the big « Mandala » yourte. Timetable may alter according to requests and organisation of campsite activities.

A box in free donation is left in the yourte and everybody is free to donate the amount of his of her choice.

Groups may request sessions with a special timetable (on estimate).

We supply matresses, please bring a towel or pareo to put on top and a shawl or warm garment for relaxation.

The sessions take into account everybody’s level and the exercices are adapted to personal limits as well. One says : « it is not the individual which adapts to Yoga, but Yoga which adapts to everyone »!

So everybody is welcome and can join us.

Yvan also offers the possibility to combine hiking and yoga practice thanks to our activity hiking yoga :

Hiking & Yoga Weeks

A 6 days-stay at the Mandala with hiking and yoga sessions every day, accessible to everybody in good health. The guide and Yoga teacher Yvan is certified mountain leader and yoga teacher in the tradition of Desikachar, Chennai, south India.

You will be confortably welcomed in one of our Eco Chalet or traditional Yurt in full pension with vegetarian meals. Please contact for more informations

Dates :
14 to 20th of july 2019 with Christine, certified Yoga teacher and specialised in breathing yoga
9 to 15th of septembre 2019 with Yvan, certified Yoga teacher in the tradition of Desikachar and mounatin leader
Informations and inscriptions : Mandala Voyages, Tél. 0033 6 88 18 48 68 (


Sweetness and depth will be the concepts that will guide my intuitive massages.

Indeed, the goal of the massage sessions will be to meet your needs by working your tensions in a gentle and deep way so that you can receive a psychological and physical relaxation.
Whether you need to relax your aching muscles after a hike or simply want to be gentle, the intuitive massages will be there to accompany you.


Contact: Tél.: 06 07 77 67 24
Facebook: La Conscience Des Mains